So here's what's been goin' on:
I've been working lots and lots. Which is fine. It's pretty boring a lot of the time, but I get to talk to lots of people, and sort of just chat with people in my community, which is cool. Last week at the museum, I was supposed to take the old flowers and throw them out or whatever when I was closing up for the day, but this one peonie was just holding on for dear life, and I thought it was just the prettiest thing, so I took it home. It's still just enjoying life on my kitchen counter - it brightens my day.
Mes chats are still the most adorable things in the world. Simon has recently figured out how to get up into my loft, so he's spending lots of time making my heart race as he walks along the beams [which he can now jump to from the loft]. Betsy is her usual self, sneaking around, killin' mice, and being extremely aloof. They're both just starting to meow now - they just turned one in the past few weeks [we're not sure how old they were because they're adopted feral kitty babies], but we got them this week last year, so I'm guessing they're just over a year. But they only just started learning to meow. Simon's the funniest with it; he makes these little sounds that sound like he's just sort of experimenting with the concept of meowing... Betsy still just chirps, and opens her mouth silently at the door when she wants in or out. They're goofs.
This past weekend was Canada Day - Happy 145th birthday, my beloved country! - and we celebrated in true Canadian fashion with a few balloons, and a hotdog. Not really ones for huge celebrations, particularly on the west coast [in comparison to my other precious coast].
I'm getting more excited to be living in the city this year! Finally! I have to take a couple days off work next week and go to town to run some errands. It turns out, this running has made me lose weight in my tummy, but my hips are still going strong, and I don't think they're going to stop being their curvy selves any time soon, so I have to go on a quest for new pants... I need to go through all my clothes and just get rid of all the ones that I don't wear, or don't like, or give me armpit issues [I have serious issues with shirts that bunch in my armpits], and restock with things that I love and want to wear every day.
*Just a little aside - I know the layout/design of my blog has been going wild recently, but I've been slowly teaching myself some HTML stuff, and trying to give it a really cute design that people will like to look at while they peruse the site! So bear with me, I think we're nearing something that I can live with for a while!