A little sentiment for a mishmash of a post. |
So today has been the first day that I really feel like it's summer. It's probably the fact that it's ridiculously hot - well, hot for me. I'm a "no more than 22" kind of girl, but it's pushing 30 and above today! I'm a hot mess. I've actually taken to my living room floor to keep the heat off, and it seems to be working!
These days there is very little that feels normal in my life... it sounds weird, but having grown up in the same house for 18 years, and now having lived in NS for the past year and put down roots there, it's so strange for me to come "home" and expect to feel normal. Things just aren't normal here! I know I've had the home rant time and time again, but this is a positive step! Tonight is the first night that it feels like my life here.
Maybe it has something to do with my little vacation to my hometown earlier this week. I felt like myself again while I was there. Not even like my university self. I actually felt like I'd never left. I don't know if this is a good thing or not - I embrace moving on, and am doing my best to roll with my ever changing life - but I have to say, it felt good to feel like I was back in my little puzzle slot.
Getting back together with friends, and not having to explain my past, why I am working somewhere I don't consider home, why I went to school 4,000 kilometers away from my family, what I like to do in my spare time, and just being able to have a conversation about the stuff we are interested in, friends, what one another has been up to, what we're excited for, and so on. It's so nice to be with people who know you. And my friends certainly know me - some of them I've known since we were 6 years old! If they don't know me, I don't know who would! It's nice in those moments where you can just pick up where you left off. Some of those moments can be particularly special when you didn't think they'd ever happen again. Sure, attachment can be a dangerous thing, it can stop you from moving on, and getting on with your life, but there's no reason to give up important people in your life if you have no reason to.
Anyway, that's my little spiel about that. I'm just happy where I'm at, at this very exact moment in time. It's a happy place. Then I'll go to bed, and there will only be 17 more days until I get to move to my new apartment, and start my whole new life at my new school... a tad daunting - particularly with the promise of a really wicked wisdom tooth extraction x4. I just hope I'm not swollen or bruised for my first day of school! And I have to remember to take my ID picture before the cutting open of my face...
I just had another completely unrelated thought: can I just point out how amazingly comforting it is to put one's hair in a ponytail and put one's glasses on after a long, tiring day? I don't wear contacts, but I also don't wear my glasses a lot of the time [I'm really bad with it right now, since my frames are driving me mental - I feel like they overpower my face, and they slide down my nose a lot], so when I finally put them on at the end of the day, and can actually read things without squinting, and a whole lot of guesswork, it's always super relaxing. And my hair is finally long enough for a ponytail that I can just do with an elastic, and not a whole assortment of barrets and bobby pins! Win of the day!
Well, that's about all I've got to say for now... I have a feeling I'll be blogging more soon... work is finishing soon, and we'll be back in a time and place where thinking is actually possible - not just napping, and eating. Hope all y'all are having a fabulous August so far!