I was just doing that thing where I end up on youtube watching Ellen videos for hours on end [Emily knows what I'm talking about - poor girl had to sit through my laughing my butt off at these videos for eight months!] when I stumbled across this one interview with John Mayer. Now, I'm not a huge fan of his music. I mean, I have it in my iTunes, and I listen to it when I'm feeling pretty mellow, but I feel like if I listen to it for too long, I start to get really down in the dumps. But I do have to say that he gives an excellent interview. I wanted to share this on in particular with you because of the one comment he makes at the end of the clip:
"Why not be happy after a while? You get to a certain age where you prepare yourself for happiness, sometimes you never remember to actually get happy."
I just really loved that. I mean, I think I'm definitely still in the stage where I'm "getting happy". Obviously I'm happy with my life, but I really look forward to the day when I get to sort of settle down and live my life instead of working towards getting to live my life, if that makes sense... none of this is to say, though, that I won't enjoy the process of becoming my grownup, happy, settled self.
Anyway, I just thought I would share that with y'all! I thought it was a pretty great little thing for Mr. Mayer to think of.