Hot water days

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hi hi! So, as promised, today was kayaking day! I hadn't been kayaking in so long, it was so nice to just paddle around the bay with my sister and enjoy this glorious weather we've been having. I just realized the tops of my feet have a silly tan... not sure how that happened. Anyway, yes, we loaded up the kayaks, and went down to the bay and enjoyed an afternoon of salty water.

 I can't tell you how much I miss salty water when I'm not around it. And it's odd... because I grew up about an hour inland from any salty water at all. I guess it gets engrained in you pretty quickly! There isn't much to say about our water adventures, other than the fact there was not one, not two, but three spiders in my boat. I was not amused, but instead of screaming and capsizing, I calmly smashed them all to death and sloshed them out of my hull. Anyway, here are some pictures of the day!

Keeping one's legs out of the kayak whilst paddling backwards provides all kinds of core strength-arm toning exercise. It also provides all kinds of entertainment for your boating colleagues. 

In the following picture, my sister tries to convince me to eat a bug for a dollar. I would have considered it, but we both agreed that it would be inhumane to eat an innocent bug, just for cash. This offering of small sums of money to eat weird things is not considered uncommon in my family - this one time I ate a significant amount of fish skin for a toonie. That's the life.

I do have to point out the enormous length of my hair these days! From shaved head to this in under two years? I'm a hair growing machine. And I cut it twice between then... with routine trims from my darling roommate - I have no idea who is going to cut my hair for me now that we don't live together anymore...

I will also point out my ridiculous shortness. I'm going to argue that this was on a slope... but I honestly don't think it was... and well, that's just depressing. No, my sister isn't obscenely tall. I mean, she's not five foot nothing, but we're not talking six foot four, either. 

I hope everyone else enjoyed the sun! Or if you are in a non-sunny place, I hope you made the best of your non-sunny weather. Not sure what adventurous things I'm going to do tomorrow... but the sister and I considered hiding in public places and scaring people. I'll let you know how this goes.