Sunburns, sparkles, and success

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Today was a day to top all days! Woke up to a sun alert. Yes. A sun alert. I will take a sun alert any day. So I spent the morning reading Gossip Girl, slathered in sunscreen [about 400 layers so my burn from yesterday wouldn't become more burned - did it help? Nope.] soaking up all the Vitamin D possible. Can I just take this opportunity to say how much I hate winter? It's just not okay with me. Those few days around Christmastime with the soft snow, and jolly festive air, those days are okay. The rest of the wet, slushy, freezing ice pellets pelting your face... those days aren't okay. I will trade snow for stomach sunburns any day.

Two very exciting things happened today:

1. I sparkled my phone case. It is now fabulously sparkly. All you need to do this magical sparklization is the modge-podge, and the glitterz, and a phone case. And a sponge brush, but I guess you could use your fingers, or a popsicle stick... or like... cat hair taped to a chopstick. But I used a sponge brush. It seemed like a good idea. Anyway, I just modge-podged the case, sprinkled the sparkles, waited for it to dry, brushed off the loose sparkles, then just put another fairly thick layer of modge-podge over it to seal in all that sparkly goodness. Et voila! Unicorns be jellin' of my phone.

Unicorn Phone
2. I got a sweet job that is actually related to what I want to do when I grow up! I will be working as a summer staff person at our local museum! I'm actually so excited about this job... I get to do actual fun work, collaborate with some pretty rad people, archive, do community outreach and fundraising. It's going to be an excellent time! It makes me very excited. Probably the most excited I have ever been about a job. I'm pretty much a nerd... but we knew that already.

I think my copious amount of sun today has successfully melted my brain out of my head, so please excuse any spelling, grammar, or syntax errors in this post. e.e. cummings didn't really believe in "proper"syntax... so neither do I - 'cause he was a legit kind of guy. I'm starting to rhyme as well as alliterate now... so I think that's my cue to leave. I hope everyone else had a stellar day too!